Friday, March 6, 2015

St. Patrick's Day!

Leprechaun's, rainbows, Ireland, and Beer???  Basically I grew up not really celebrating St. Patrick's Day.  St Patrick's Day came and went, it was the "holiday" gearing up for Easter.  There wasn't even a full isle of decorations at the craft store.  So I never did much for it.  Garland for Christmas, eggs for Easter, and turkey's for Thanksgiving, but not much for St. Patrick's Day.  Then some friends mentioned it is actually celebrated for a missionary, St. Patrick.  Go figure, there really is a reason behind these holidays.  Now, I don't know the story yet, but this month my kids and I are going to search out this St. Patrick and take a look at Ireland and do a little study about these things.  Oh...don't forget the rainbow!  Maybe just one sip or two of beer with hubby.  Wink, wink!

I started by making a wreath for the front door! It cost nothing!  Yup, you heard me right, all this was left over fabric and I bought this twig wreath a long time ago, hoping I would use it someday.  Yes, I'm a bit of a pack rat, but I do use the stuff...eventually.  It must have been from a garage sale or something because I do not like paying full price for this stuff.  I'm sure I didn't pay more than a dollar.  I found this great site online that showed me how to make these cute little four leaf clovers.

And Elle made a scrap fabric garland.  I love this garland, because it can be from scraps and is free.   I helped a bit with the knots, but she cut all the strips.

At Patrick's

 Stay tuned to see what else we learn about St. Patrick's Day!

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