Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I quit...or...I made a better choice.

So my hubby started work on this chicken coop and I have been so excited about getting these poor little chicks into their home.  However, he had to leave for a week long trip and wasn't able to finish it before he left.  So I thought I would take the time to get it done.  Why not?  Just because I am a woman doesn't mean I can't do it.  Well...
So I set off.  I called a very talented friend and asked her to show me how to use a skill saw and she came over to show me the ropes.  We had a great chat and she also helped me with the design.  So I got in a full days work and WOW, my arms were about to fall off, I was prepping dinner for family guests, and just felt like I would conquer the world.  Then the next day I got out there and nothing was working right.  The door I planned was not working well.  The saw was killing my arms, the kids were restless, and I was yelling!  UGH!!!

But I am woman hear me roar, I kept pounding away!  I couldn't quit!  No one wants a quitter.  Then, a peace came over me and I stopped.  I put away all the tools, and just stopped!!!  I realized it was a better decision to just let it rest until Dan got home.  It wasn't working, the kids wanted me, and I didn't need to be doing this work.  I made a better decision.  It was hard to admit defeat, or to think of myself as quitting, but it was more than that.  I was making a decision for my family, and not just work!

After I put it all away, I sat down with my kids and enjoyed them! That was a blessing.

We decided to eat our "snack."

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