Friday, February 27, 2015

Chicks update...Oooops!!!

So even though I read up before signing up for these little creatures, I still wasn't prepared for what happened the night we brought them home.  Yes, one died.  It was Paw Patrol.  Luke's little chick.  We mourned and were sad, but oh well, more come next week.  I have to admit, it was hard telling Luke.  He's my more sensitive one.  Poor little guy.

Oh and did you know these birds get what's called pasty butt.  Oh its a joy.  Poop clogs their butt, and you, Dan, get to clean it off, or they could...yes...DIE!  No more death please.  So they kind of do stink, and they are STILL in my house, but whatever.  Just don't come over in the next few weeks.  When they get a bit older I'll put them in the shed.  But they are cute, and I do enjoy watching them and holding them.  I know I'm weird.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Baby Chicks...maybe?

So we did it!  Sort of.  For the last several years I have wanted to raise chickens for the eggs.  Why?  Healthier eggs and I hear they taste better, but I think it will be neat to see the kids interact with them.  So I decided to make it a project for the kids.  The first day we cleaned out the shed for them, this is where they will sleep in a week or sooner if I get annoyed with them.  Then we found a box and had it "decorated."  All kinds of drawings and pictures, including Christmas trees and rainbows.  Luke added a Valentine's Day card with his name on it, so the chicks would know his name.  Hehe!  Of course, why not!  Then the big day, buying all the stuff to go in the box!  WOW!  It really wasn't a big deal, but Tractor Supply was not fun with four kids.  Although the display coop they had sure was kid friendly.  Ooops!  So we head home and prepare the to speak.
 So this is Aiden, and he is putting pine shavings into this little box.  He did a great job! We ran into a little SNAFU.  I thought a new batch of baby chicks was in, but they were Bantams, which apparently are really small...not what we wanted, so then I proceed to wrangle all little's and head back to car.  While all kids are securely strapped in, I proceed to call all five feed stores in the area, and there just happened to be one a few miles out.  So we get three little chicks.  The guy told me, but I don't remember what kind.  Home we go!  Kids were so excited they each placed their chicks in the box. Aiden's is named Airplane, Luke's is Paw Patrol, Elle's is Elsa.  So it begins.

 Their bright faces placing the little guys...gals in the box.  I wish I had a picture of Aiden, but he had his chick in the box before I could even turn around.  That little bugger.  So YTD money spent on supplies and chicks:
Supplies: $22.00
Chicks:   $12.00
Total:  $34.00
And no eggs for several months.  Will this pay off?  We shall see.  Till next time!