Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Spiced Up by ASH

A little peek into my last couple of years...

So for a while now, I have been trying to figure out what it is like to home school my children and have some sort of something for myself.  For some moms it can be their work outside of the home, a hobby, or a number of activities a woman finds important to her.  For has been a struggle!

I love doing STUFF!!!!  Nothing specific, but all my life I was self taught in a lot of areas, and always active and involved in whatever I believed was important.  So back to my struggle, I believe home school for me personally is important and I am putting everything I have into this way of life, however, my complaints to others over the last couple of years would speak differently.

I realized I needed something ME!  I love to sew and create, but making ten of one thing does not interest me.  If I create, each item is almost always different.  I was told by many I should sell the items I make or sew, but to be honest it is a lot of work to make one dress in several sizes and again, it doesn't interest me.  Plus I usually tailored clothing to the one wearing the item. 

In came Etsy and the realization I could do exactly what I love.  Make different items in different ways and sizes and not be limited in my creativity.  So this is mine!  Something I can do that inspires me and challenges me in different ways.

Do I need more challenges?????  Actually YES!!!  You would think teaching my children at home, staying at home with them all day in addition to the other things I do would be enough, but even though my strength is teaching, this is a must challenge.  I define must challenge as something I must do, but do find it challenging and encouraging at times.  Teaching my children is a slow process...process is important, but long.  I enjoy creating, because I can determine the length of process required each time. Plus I love taking something rough and making it beautiful!

I enjoy finding old pieces of fabric or clothes and Spicing it Up and creating something beautiful or unique.  I'm in love with endless possibilities. I love vintage items, but are sad they are put in a corner and not used.  So I find them and give them to someone intent on using the item and enjoying it. 

My hope is to continue to write my stories of good finds, and creative pieces I have made in addition to this crazy lovely life I call mine.  So join me by subscribing to this blog and visiting my at my Etsy store in addition to my Facebook Page.

Thank you!