Wednesday, February 15, 2023

The Journey


It's a journey.  Basically life.  When you realize this and actually let it sink in, life gets a bit easier.  Somewhere in life we get the idea it should be a destination, so then our goals start kicking in to reach that next milestone, so we can say we did it.  After the milestones, we feel a sense of accomplishment. Granted, maybe applause is warranted, however, we then head off into the wild yonder to acheive the next. 

Did we stop to enjoy?

Did we ask the importance of the current task?

Did we give breath to our circumstances?

It has taken me some time to understand this idea, but yet at the same time, I still don't fully have a grasp on it.  Experiencing life is part of the joy, no, not all the time, but some of the time.   Some of us have to look harder than others to find it, but it's there. 

I am learning to do things with my children, not just for them.  A plate of food made together.  A seed planted by tiny fingers after i created a hole.  The blessing of these little people in my life.  Grubby little fingers taking my peanut m & m's.  As I leave the room, I smile because I would want to do the same.

How do you experience life?

Where has your journey taken you this week or month.  Location isn't the journey, the journey is what you are learning along the way.  Location may be a part of that, but just a part, not the whole.  Who is experiening the journey with you?

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